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NEET PG 2024: Telangana NEET PG State Quota Eligibilty Criteria

Telangana NEET PG State Quota Eligibilty Criteria

Telangana NEET PG State Quota Eligibilty Criteria

Government Seats under State Quota &50% of Private Seats under Govt. Quota

Condition 1 : Local seats (85%)

  • 4 years ending with Part II MBBS Exam studied in the Local area (or)
  • 4 years ending with Part II MBBS Exam resided in the Local area (or)
  • (If not in above) 7 years ending with Part II MBBS Exam studied in the state of  which maximum years studied were in that local area (or)
  • 7 years ending with Part II MBBS Exam resided in the state of which maximum  years resided were in that local area

Only locals of an area are eligible  for 85% of seats in institutions in  their local area . Local area  districts are mentioned in  prospectus

Condition 2 : Non Local seats (15%)  

  • All locals as above (or)
  • Resided in state for 10 years (or)
  • Employee of Central, State Govts,  PSUs, local bodies, Quasi public  institutions like Universities
  • Spouses of such locals (or)
  • Parents resided in state for 10 years(or)
  • Children or spouses of such employees  mentioned on the left

Overall Eligibility: Only Telangana or Andhra Pradesh MBBS


Telangana or Andhra Pradesh domicile with any MBBS including FMGs

Important Links

We provide information about Telangana’s Useful Resources, the State Counselling Process, Particular state seat matrix, Seat Allotment, Cutoff, and more. You can check the complete details below.

Telangana NEET PG 2024 Important Link

Telangana Medical College Wise Cut-off/Fees/Bond/Stipend etc.

In this section, the candidates will see the Telangana Medical College Wise Cut-off/Fees/Bond/Stipend, mentioned below with their respective links. The candidates can go through the details mentioned about the colleges in the links, which help them in gaining the information for the colleges they want to be in:

College TypeInstituteLink
Govt CollegeGandhi Medical College, SecunderabadClick Here
Govt CollegeESIC Medical College, HyderabadClick Here
Govt CollegeKakatiya Medical College, WarangalClick Here
Govt CollegeNIMS HyderabadClick Here
Govt CollegeGovernment Medical College, SiddipetClick Here
Govt CollegeGovernment Medical College, NizamabadClick Here
Govt CollegeOsmania Medical College, HyderabadClick Here
Govt CollegeRIMS AdilabadClick Here
Private CollegeApollo Medical College, HyderabadClick Here
Private CollegeBhaskar Medical College, YenkapallyClick Here
Private CollegeDr. Patnam MR Medical College, ChevellaClick Here
Private CollegeDr. VRK Womens Medical College, AziznagarClick Here
Private CollegeCAIMS KarimnagarClick Here
Private CollegeDeccan Medical College, HyderabadClick Here
Private CollegeKamineni Medical College, HyderabadClick Here
Private CollegeKamineni Medical College, NarketpallyClick Here
Private CollegeMahavir Medical College, VikarabadClick Here
Private CollegeMalla Reddy Medical College, HyderabadClick Here
Private CollegeMallareddy Women Medical College, HyderabadClick Here
Private CollegeMamata Medical College, BachupallyClick Here
Private CollegeMamata Medical College, KhammamClick Here
Private CollegeMNR Medical College, SangareddyClick Here
Private CollegePrathima Medical College, KarimnagarClick Here
Private CollegeMediciti Medical College, GhanpurClick Here
Private CollegeR V M Medical College, SiddipetClick Here
Private CollegeS V S Medical College, MehboobnagarClick Here
Private CollegeSurabhi Medical College, SiddipetClick Here

Telangana NEET PG State Quota Eligibilty CriteriaTelangana NEET PG State Quota Eligibilty CriteriaTelangana NEET PG State Quota Eligibilty CriteriaTelangana NEET PG State Quota Eligibilty CriteriaTelangana NEET PG State Quota Eligibilty CriteriaTelangana NEET PG State Quota Eligibilty Criteria

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